just in time. (toute juste a l'heure).
whoots just in time to watch Les Bleus, but I missed the starting 2 minutes or something. It's a really great show, I laugh so much when I listen to them talk. The lines are great, the storylines of each episode are great. And the overall storylines of the main characters are excellent too. I'm not talking about depth or intellect, I'm saying it makes for excellent excellent entertainment. Like today there's a new capitaine, and apparently he keeps pimping the hot girl amongst the girls, and last episode one of the other rookies and that girl started kissing, so he's damn jealous. Haha and Laporte the gay guy kept staring at the new capitaine lol it's super funny.However, it's entertainment I don't believe I deserve considering that today has been a rather dismal show of mugging. But I will mug as I watch, right after this post (with its translation).
Had to rush my shower because I was back late taking an alternative decision to take 156 instead of the shorter 157 or 93. (OMG le commissaire just told laporte that he is in love with laporte's mama!) But it was nice to be able to catch up a little with Hwee... Haha really laugh like siao like last time.
(and the hot girl almost kissed the new capitaine! and moreno just came and interrupted it LOL too funny)
Maybe I'll post more later, I can't multi-task.
whoots (c'est ca en francais aussi? mdr) juste toute a temps pour regarder les bleus, mais j'ai rate les premieres quelques minutes. C'est une emission vraiment formidable, je rire beaucoup quand je les ecoute. Le texte est aussi genial, et l'histoire de chaque episode est genial. Et l'histoire generale des caracteres sont aussi tres formidable. Je ne parle pas du fondeur de l'intellect, je parle du divertissement vraiment excellent. Comme aujourd'hui il y a un nouveau capitaine, et apparamment il aime la fille la plus chaude dans l'emission, et dans le dernier episode Moreno. l'un des autres bleus, l'aurait baise (c'est-a-dire avec ses levres, pas avec son bite), donc aujourd'hui il est jaloux. Haha et Laporte l'homme homosexuel ne cesse de regarder le capitaine nouveau haha c'est trop drole.
Pourtant, c'est un divertissement que, je crois, je ne merite pas considerant qu'aujourd'hui etais un jour d'etudes lamentable. Mais j'etuderai apres ce billet (avec sa traduction).
Je ne continue pas je dois etudier haha desole a ceux qui prendre temps de lire cette partie.
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