arrrggggghhhhh and hahahahahaha.
firstly, thank you Charles, for coming for rehs and practising so hard to get it right. today was really productive in my book.BUT. most of all, thank you for shielding my face from the rest of the bus! oh dear, you know what happened. I was sitting on the round thing (you know usually when the bus has seats that face the opposite direction from the rest of the seats, at the front of the bus, behind it it's always a round surface?), and the bus suddenly stopped with a hard brake. i just knew something bad was going to happen when the menacing "beeeeeep" came from the machinery upfront. and the guy in front of me was laughing. if only i had a picture.
which brings me to my rantings:
Embarrassments are inevitable in life! We've got to accept that. But there are two ways of dealing with it: one, is to feel wanting to die and having a tomato for a head. Two, is to laugh at yourself, together with the others. It's not easy to do the latter (I, myself, have a little of the former), but think of what it could do for you. Firstly, you won't feel as embarrassed. And also, when you accept such humiliating situations, it's easier for you to be bolder in future situations that require some confidence and courage. Cheers for humiliation!
So laugh at yourself! You'll be surprised with how much better you feel.
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