eve of birthday.
i slept at 3 am again yesterday watching football... wonder if i can last long enough today. i think it is very useful to have a friend to do your work with, but not useful to have a rampant liazrd running around the room. finished everything i had to hand up today, bought tie and physics books, paid alex and kennedy. on the whole it worked out. the day was nothing much except that they played alot of the ball that jus gave me so that i could get Marcus Blackburn autograph. i'm going to bring the tennis ball tomorrow i think they enjoyed the madness alot. skipped cca... determined to talk to alan lee tomorrow. had actually intended to spend the time from skipping cca to study and do work but decided to go walk around with aaron at junction 8 instead.do remember my birthday is tomorrow, so... laughs.
thank you victor for the book. i am keeping it wrapped until my party (if i can wait that long). i'm watching soccer analysis now. i realize how much i love rugby again. sigh.
today's entry is rather short because im a little tired and i want to do other things like relax watching sports or finish my homework or study for physics. might be posting something later though.
musicfa cup final score
moodtired but feeling accomplished
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